Friday, March 21, 2008

Even Your CAT Has a Blog - CNN

I have been begging my owner to transcribe my view of the goings on around the house for months. I know she has been busy, and more than a little frustrated with her job search, but I have been patient long enough.

Tonight while reading CNN online I noticed this article: "Even your dog has a Blog" and I put my paw down.

It has been a snowy winter here in Ohio - in fact it is snowing tonight. I am an indoor cat so I have limited snow experience but since she keeps the house at 62 degrees I am well acquainted with cold. I have taken up residence in front of a heating vent and that seems to work just fine.

Judging from the level of stress here I suspect the economy is still on the down slide. She has been pounding out resumes and counting pennies. There are tears too.

She and the boy take good care of us though (me and Cloud, that is.) The food is regular and the litter box always clean.

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