Thursday, November 29, 2007

Middle Class Taking a Financial Beating

I read the headline and sighed. I am not surprised - the new poor are members of the middle class.I see it everyday in my house - the family struggles to make ends meet. Parents are stressed; kids are stressed because they sense their parent's worry and fears.

I don't have a clue as to what the answer to this problem is but I suggest that sub-prime lending and the transfer of manufacturing jobs to China is the cause. I am not crazy about the credit reporting system either. It is nearly impossible to break out of the cycle of poverty once it takes hold.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

Earlier today over mashing potatoes and baking pies I asked my owner to post a list of things I am grateful for this November day.

1. My family - especially Eric.

2. Heat - I love a roaring fire.

3. Food delivered at regular intervals.

4. Cable TV, the Food Channel and Michael Symon. Cleveland needed a winner and Michael delivered.